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Our Team


Senior- Infrastructure Advisory

Sara Marks

A born and raised Cantabrian, Sara worked on the 'mainland' before establishing herself in Wellington. Her skillset as a Senior Infrastructure Advisory reflects over 20 years' experience across the public and private sectors. Adept in all aspects of business and commerce, Sara is an experienced business, financial systems and HR analyst with strong IT skills and a background in valuation and property management. Her passion for improving effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of services, in particular the design and implementation of business processes and systems across organisations, has been a common thread in all her roles.


As a consultant, Sara’s diverse experience and skillset provides versatility as she works with clients on a wide range of projects including the development of valuation frameworks, design and implementation of quality management systems, asset management plans for aged care facilities, and health and safety pre-qualification standard across a range of sectors including central and local government, aged care and construction sectors.


With work-bases in Wellington and Christchurch, Sara enjoys returning regularly to a southern setting. Out-of-office, Sara likes to escape city life or can be found baking sour dough bread for colleagues and friends.

Our people, your team.

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